Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Success Story of Debt Elimination

I recently got an email from Scott Stevens, author of "The Ultimate Debt Guide" that I wanted to share with you. It is a debt elimination success story that I think will get you excited and on your way to destroying and eliminating your debt. Here is part of that email.

"A person who recently ordered my course, Stan Wittig, contacted me a few weeks ago. And in short this is what he said: "Scott, I've had it with being in debt and after reading the information on your website I decided to do whatever it takes to get rid of it once and for all!"

When I found out what Stan was dealing with -- my jaw dropped. He had around $43,000 worth of credit card debt (not unheard of in today's economy) and was already 2 months behind on his $20,000 car loan.

To top it off he just lost his full-time job at a major corporation becauseof a corporate restucturing. But I knew with a bit of determination, Stan could solve his debt problems and be on the road to recovery in as little as 30 days. I don't have the time to help everyone that asks me -- but Stan's plea was very heartfelt.

Using the same techniques I talk about in the Ultimate Debt Guide... we put a plan together and Stan got right to work. Most of his days were spent searching for a new job but he found the time he needed to get going on our plan. Stan really burned the midnight oil for a couple of weeks but in the end it was all worth it because he finally got the ball rolling and eliminated about $28,000 of the $63,000 he owes."

Now if that doesn't make you want to eliminate your debt, then nothing will. I know how hard it is and how tired you can become with a burden of debt hanging over your head. So why not make up your mind and eliminate your debt once and for all. I urge you to take a look at how you can get out of debt. You owe it to yourself to be debt free so go now and take a look a Scott's "Ultimate Debt Guide."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Data Entry to Eliminate Debt?

What could data entry possibility have to do with eliminating your debt? If you stop long enought to think about debt you will understand the thought on this. Debt is created by spending more than you make.

Ok, so what does data entry have to do with debt, I ask again? Simple answer is; if you create more income you can take it and put it toward paying off your existing debt. If you create more income and a use it to eliminate your debt, then once your debt is destroyed and a thing of the past, you will then have the extra income which you can then put into savings.

Here is part of a good article on part time data entry work from home that will help you further understand the process.

Part-Time Data Entry Work at Home

With the growth of the Internet, the information age has spawned many work at home job opportunities for those looking for part-time work at home data entry jobs. Many organizations are trying to keep up with changes to help ensure that their business of information processing stays up and running smoothly. Therefore, the part-time data entry work at home jobs are in great demand in all parts of the country.

Learn more about "What is Part-Time Data Entry Work at Home?"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Destroy Debt

Debt is probably the number one destroyer of the average American family. More marriages end up in divorce over debt than anything else. People’s lives can be miserable because of the burden of debt they are carrying. The average American family is in debt to the tune of…Who cares about the averages? You are only concerned with your debt and ready to destroy debt and live debt free.

First take a look at how you got yourself into debt in the first place. If you want to destroy debt, you must understand where it came from. Credit card debt is probably the hardest debt to destroy. It is so easy to “put it on the card” and before you realize it, you have several maxed out credit cards and find it a huge burden and struggle just to make the minimum payments each month, and as we all know, sometimes we don’t make them each month.

What happens then, yes, late charges, finance charges and oops, more debt. If you want to destroy debt, totally eliminate debt and live a debt free life, you have to get it under control. There are many debt consolidation companies and finding one that you can trust is not always easy. So what does one do, to destroy debt? First thing you need to do is get rid of the credit cards, cut them up, burn them whatever you want to do, just quit using your credit cards to run up more debt. If you can do this, then from that point on, things will soon get easier.

Ok you say, it is easy to talk about but not easy in practice. Well you’re right. That is why you have to have a very well laid out plan to destroy debt, eliminate debt and turn your financial life around. Some say to take on your largest credit card debt by doubling up on just one card and get it paid off. So how long will that take? Another approach to destroy debt is to take the smallest balance and put everything you have available against it, make every effort to eliminate this debt.

What this does for you is one, you destroy the debt faster, and two you win a small battle. Next you take on your next smallest debt and not only make the payment on it, but take the amount from your victory and apply it to this one as well. Then on to the next debt and eliminate it as well.

As you can see, this will, in time, eliminate your debt, it will destroy debt faster than if you were to try to pay off the largest debt balance first. Taking one step-at-a-time, you gain control of your debt and the final result will be that you destroy debt, all of your debt. Yes, once you have all your credit card debt eliminated, take on your mortgage.

While this is only a brief summary of how you can destroy debt, I suggest you learn more about these techniques and learn how you can eliminate debt, destroy your debt and live debt free.