Thursday, August 28, 2008

Do You Dream About Your Debt?

Debt is a killer. Debt can kill your spirits, it can steel your joy and make you feel as if you are doomed to be in debt the rest of your life. Debt is no fun.

It's a sad fact that more people are so deep in debt that they will never have the debt relief they diserve simply because they don't know how to break its bond.

There are basicly two aspects to getting out of debt and if you apply yourself and make it a priority, you can eliminate your debt and have an abundance.

First you have to understand how you got into debt and learn to control it with debt management. There are lots of good companies that can help and even some really good books that will teach you the process.

Once you understand debt management and have a plan in place, you can then move to the second part which is having an abundance. This is much more enjoyable than staying in debt up to your eyeballs until forever.

To have the abundance you must maintain your debt management plan so that you do not create further debt. And as part of this step, create more income which in turn will increase your wealth. Eliminate debt, increase income have abundance.

Simple to say and understand but much harder to practice. That's why I recommend you first find a good debt management book, read it, then do it. You may also need to have the help of a close friend (one who is not in debt if you can find one) and learn from them too.

Just know that debt is a self induced condition of poor judgement on your part. At least for the most part. It does not have to last forever because you know you can break free of your debt problems.

Just do it. Be debt free.